Wonderful Mother

With Mother's Day quickly approaching, I'd like to pay a little homage to mothers everywhere ~ especially mine.  Let me introduce you to my mom, Pansee (pronounced Pon-'zay).  Her name gives hint to her French descent ~ possibly that's where I inherited my love for all things French ~ surely it's my destiny to live in Paris someday ~ wish.

A photo of Mom when she was a baby ~ I love her little hat and patent leather shoes.  Take note of her glass baby bottle ~ ya think it would have a safety recall if it were still around today?  Wink!

I'm particularly fond of this photo taken of Mom (affectionately called "Mimi" by her grandchildren) when she was a child.  On the heels of the Great Depression you didn't often see photos of children at play.  It makes me happy to know there was still laughter going around.  I adore her pixie haircut and her little dress ~ an added bonus ~ the vintage tricycle (so nostalgic!).

As a teenager ~ such a lovely young woman.

Mom and her brood ~ Ashley, Lance, me (are you diggin my cat-eye glasses?) and Charlie.

My mom raised us four kids by herself after my dad passed away.  Within that same year she also lost her mother, father-in-law and mother-in-law.  

My mom is my hero ~ she sacrificed so much for us.  One thing for certain, she bravely faced her future and never complained.  She graciously dedicated her life to us with selfless love and unwavering devotion.  Thank you Mom ~ we are blessed to have you as our mother.

This vintage poem entitled, Wonderful Mother, belonged to my grandmother who passed it down to my mom.  I'm delighted she has bequeathed it to me ~ smile.  It makes me think of her every time I see it.  A thoughtful tribute to mothers everywhere ~ 

Wonderful Mother
author unknown

You're a wonderful Mother, there's no
one like you,
And the wonderful things you
say and do;
All your wonderful care, your devotion,
your cheer.
Only make you grow daily more
precious and dear;
You're a wonderful Mother, and may
you possess,
Just a wonderful share of life's 
best happiness.

Happy Mother's Day Mom ~ I love you!