A Visit / Holly & Olive

One of the sweet things in life is being able to spend time with friends.  A couple of weeks ago, I had one of those rich moments when I paid my dear friends, Holly and Little O a visit.  I had to share some photos of our afternoon together.  Here's a glimpse into their world.   

Holly and her husband, Cody and their precious little girl, O (short for Olive) recently moved from Portland back to Dallas.  When they decided on an area to plant their family in, it was no surprise (being the hip couple they are) they landed in a really cool area of Dallas. Their neighborhood is made up of charming houses, cool coffee shops, restaurants and stores that are all worthy of lingering in.  Their home is no exception and has tons of character.  Case in point, I think the built-in cuphoard (above) is dreamy.

When I arrived,, O was sleeping so Holly and I had a little time to catch up.  The vintage tea kettle (above) is one of Holly's favorite things ~ it was a surprise gift from her brother.

Our afternoon was filled with oolong tea (all the way from Portland), healthy snacks and warm conversation ~ the makings of a perfect visit.  

Little O's" Domain

 The vintage metal "O" and anchor banner were decorations/gifts Holly received at O's baby shower.

Finally, she wakes!  Olive ~ playing in her room.  

Beautiful hardwood floors, original doors, built-ins and period lighting abound in the house. 

All too quickly our visit came to an end (I might add, that was after a quick jaunt to Trader Joe's!).   What else can I say...the day was delightful ~ how else could it be when getting to see this sweet, smiling face.  By the way, guess who turned one yesterday?  Happy Birthday Olive ~ we love you!   Thank you Holly and Little O for the wonderful afternoon we spent together.  XO ~ Dana