screen door

South Dakota Scavenging

Well, I'm back from a trip to South Dakota, where we visited our oldest son, Reagan.  He's finishing up a two-year term for Teach for America, where he teaches 10th grade English on the Rosebud Indian Reservation.

It was a whirlwind trip where we enjoyed hanging out with Reagan's friends and consuming a delicious meal they made for us. We were also able to sit in on his classes and meet all of his students. Our last day there we traveled to the Badlands and then over to see Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse.

You may be wondering how and where Tattered Style comes into play ~ I’m happy to tell you as soon as you step into Reagan’s house! Although he may be almost a thousand miles from home, Texas still holds a mighty big place in his heart. Reagan, a Texas State graduate, and his roommate, Keith, a University of Texas graduate, took an old screen door they had kicking around in their garage and repurposed it into a Texas flag. They have created a clever work of art for their living room and it sure makes Texas and this mama proud!
The outside trim on the door was already the perfect shade of red; they removed the old screening, added a couple of plywood panels and painted them out red and blue. They chose not to panel one part of the screen door, as they knew the white wall would show through from behind and act as the white stripe of the flag.
Reagan purchased a tin star Christmas tree topper; spray painted it white and hung it atop the blue panel on the door. Then they attached the screen door to the wall with eyehooks and wire. I think the end result is super cool!
All too quickly, our visit ended. As we were leaving, Reagan gave me a present ~ not just any present, but one he knew I would be crazy about.
He brought out this wonderful relic from an old house he happened by one day. I love this metal and glass hinged piece!
I’m not certain how it was originally used, but can’t wait to repurpose this into something wonderful. Keep an eye out for its upcoming transformation. Thank you Reagan!!
And finally, on our return trip back to Texas, we passed by an old junk store in Kansas and honestly, what would any trip be without stopping at a perfectly good junk store? Take a look at the goodies I landed!
I love all things industrial, especially if there are casters involved, so this was the first thing to catch my eye. I wonder where this piece will end up? Be watching for before and after photos to find out!
These wonderful old porcelain and metal doorknobs were a steal ~ I purchased the whole lot for $10.00. I’ll either add them to a collection or reinvent them as knobs on a coat rack.
Maybe it's just me or it could be it's that time of year, but don't these knobs resemble Easter eggs (especially the pink speckled one)!
On a different note, I’ve created a Facebook page to post additional Tattered Style information. Be sure to look Tattered Style up on FB and "Like". This will ensure that you receive any new updates, like my trip next week to the Round Top Antiques Fair, where I'll be posting photos of some of the cool things I come across!

P.S.  I'm not sure what is going on technically with this post, it's doing some funky spacing and won't let me edit it. :)